11 Feb, 2025
2 mins read

Objectives of Property Management

Managing a property should have the goals and objectives. There are two types of organizational objectives which are the short time objective and the long term objective. The short time objectives is considered to be within one year and the long term objectives is more than one year. The short term objective is also called […]

3 mins read

Finding the Best Online Business

The best online businesses are run by people who have a very high degree of self control. They also have long term goals and know what they need to know how to run a business with sometimes several employees. They also have to have a good sense of financial knowledge so they can continuously keep […]

5 mins read

Internet Marketing–Various Online Business Models

There are many different methods of making an online income. In reality, they are all very similar to the business models you see in the offline world. You can sell goods and services, you can produce products for wholesale distribution, you can sell information, you can sell tools to help people in their own business […]

23 mins read

The Entrepreneurial Code – Lessons Learned from a Failed Ivy League Entrepreneur

As a 21-year old college student at Wharton, the business school of the University of Pennsylvania, I embraced the ideals of entrepreneurship so whole-heartedly I started my own company. My classmates and I managed the company for two and a half years and it became our full time job after graduation. We wrote a business […]