31 Jan, 2025
13 mins read

Hard Drive Crash? The Essential Data Recovery Report

Your worst nightmare just became a horrifying reality. You keep hearing that little voice in your head mockingly shout “you should have backed that stuff up” The voice keeps echoing throughout your head as you perform a quick inventory all of the important information that you just lost…..your client database, a years worth of e-mail, […]

5 mins read

Computer Forensics, Data Recovery and E-Discovery Differ

What’s the difference between data recovery, computer forensics and e-discovery? All three fields deal with data, and specifically digital data. It’s all about electrons in the form of zeroes and ones. And it’s all about taking information that may be hard to find and presenting it in a readable fashion. But even though there is […]

2 mins read

Now Data Recovery

SSD Data Recovery Solid State Drives (SSD) are being popular due to robust performance and its reliable usage. But the drive also prone to errors due to Electrical shock, over voltage, electronic component wear and tear, CRC errors or bad sector formation due to diode electron read and write do fail by time. We have […]

3 mins read

Is Data Recovery Important?

Ask the big IT giants a common question – “In this world of free-flowing data and information, what is THE most singular and important thing that matters the most?” and they will give you a faint smile and tell you that the answer lies in the question itself. If you were not able to guess, […]

2 mins read

How to Find a Data Recovery Service That Works

How to find a data recovery service? I just typed this into the search engine using Google and Wa-la. Data recovery services are in inexhaustible supply. So now the question is, “Which company is right for you?” Are you a business looking for a data recovery system or an individual? A business will probably need […]

3 mins read

RAID Data Recovery Tips and Tricks

Often, important data is stored in reliable RAID systems. The primary reason is that raid systems are used as they are more fault-tolerant. In other words, it is easy to configure RAID systems while the system is still running. The failing drives can be replaced without shutting down the entire system. In this article, we […]