26 Jul, 2024
3 mins read

The History Of How Football Became America’s Favorite Game

The birth of American football, like many great stories, involves a blend of borrowed elements, chance encounters, and a dash of stubborn creativity. Here’s a journey through its fascinating origins: Roots in Two Continents: Soccer (Association Football): The earliest influences came from English soccer, with its focus on kicking a round ball into a goal. […]

6 mins read

Pros and Cons When Purchasing A Mattress Online

Buying mattresses online has several advantages over traditional shopping. You won’t have to deal with pushy salespeople, haggle over prices or schlep home a bulky mattress in the back of your car. In addition, many online mattress companies offer a free trial period and no restocking fees or return charges. It makes them a competitive […]

2 mins read

Spring Home Improvement: Don’t Forget Your Foundation

As spring arrives, we like to air out our homes, dispose of winter clutter, and maybe do some small remodeling, touch up, and fix up. Your “honey-do jar” is probably overflowing. Don’t forget your foundation. Ask yourself: Are there interior / exterior wall cracks I’ve gotten used to? Why is that happening? And those doors: […]

3 mins read

The Importance of Regular Home Improvement

Home improvement, by definition, is making changes to one’s home by making improvements on the house’s looks. Home improvement is usually done by professional contractors, handymen, and even the house owner himself. Home improvement is important because real estate’s value appreciates more if a property is well-maintained. Home improvement is seen by many as unnecessary […]

2 mins read

Home Improvement Design Elements

Before you tackle any home improvement project, you need to look at the design elements involved in order to determine which route to take with your project. Going the wrong way with your main steps could mean major backtracking and / or much more work. For example, let’s say you need to remodel or redecorate […]

5 mins read

Home Improvement Loan or Personal Loan

Personal Loan or Home Improvement Loan? That is the question. We love decorating our houses. And there are phases in our lives when maybe we’ve spent too much time watching Food Food or TLC and thus have built castles in the air of visions of turning our kitchen into a chef’s paradise. Or perhaps our […]

3 mins read

10 DIY Home Improvement Ideas

DIY Home Improvement Idea #1 Install handmade shelves. Rather than purchasing typical cookie-cutter shelves, consider visiting a local craft fair or woodworker for customized shelves. Everything from style, color, design and cutouts can be customized with handmade items. Shelves are ideal for storing tools in the garage or knick-knacks in the family room. DIY Home […]