When Should You Consider a Consumer Loan?
A consumer loan provides you with both flexibility and the opportunity to spend the money as you see fit. Unlike credit cards, these loans are usually supplied with a lower interest rate and longer down payment. Here we take a closer look at when it is appropriate to use a consumer loan, and vice versa, […]
What to Look For In a Used Car Loan
Many young people could not afford their first car if it weren’t for the availability of used car financing. They just don’t have the cash to buy the car outright. Fortunately, obtaining such financing at very reasonable interest rates is not difficult. You just need to do your research and follow these simple steps. As […]
Loan Modification Fact and Fiction – Who Qualifies and What Can Be Modified
Do you owe more than your house is worth? Has your rate adjusted so high you cannot make your monthly payments? Have you received calls or mail offering loan modification services? This article explains who qualifies for a loan modification. It describes what can be negotiated with lender and gives advice on how to decide […]
Securing a Small Business Loan
Insufficient funding is one of the top reasons why 80% of businesses fail within the first year and a half. As a business owner, not only do you have to cover all operating expenses, but the time and effort needed to succeed means you will almost certainly have to bid farewell to your day job […]
Different Types Of Loans
Loan contracts come in various forms and terms. It will actually range from a simple promissory note between friends and family members to more complex loans such as auto, payday, mortgage, and student loans. Regardless of its type, each loan will be governed by policies and guidelines to protect clients from unfavourable practices such as […]