02 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

The History Of How Football Became America’s Favorite Game

The birth of American football, like many great stories, involves a blend of borrowed elements, chance encounters, and a dash of stubborn creativity. Here’s a journey through its fascinating origins: Roots in Two Continents: Soccer (Association Football): The earliest influences came from English soccer, with its focus on kicking a round ball into a goal. […]

6 mins read

Pros and Cons When Purchasing A Mattress Online

Buying mattresses online has several advantages over traditional shopping. You won’t have to deal with pushy salespeople, haggle over prices or schlep home a bulky mattress in the back of your car. In addition, many online mattress companies offer a free trial period and no restocking fees or return charges. It makes them a competitive […]

6 mins read

Tips On Picking “Sleeper” Real Estate Property

Real estate investing is all about perception. Your perception of where the market is going, in conjunction with where it’s actually going. The aim, as always is to buy low and sell high. You want to buy a cheap tract of dirt and sell it as a high priced piece of developed real estate, after […]

2 mins read

Real Estate Laws in Louisiana – What You Should Know As a Property Owner

State legal systems in the United States are based on one of two legal systems. Forty-nine states base their laws on the common law system, first used in England. However one state, Louisiana, uses the French Napoleonic Code as the basis for their legal system. While common law-based legal systems rely on the rulings of […]

9 mins read

The Duty Of Confidentiality In Real Estate

In any Listing Agreement there is a point in time when the agency relationship ends. A Listing Agreement, as it is widely known, is none other than a contract between the rightful titleholder of an interest in land (the ‘Principal’) and a duly licensed real estate firm (the ‘Agent’), whereby the firm stipulates and agrees […]

2 mins read

Real Estate Photography Tips for Beginners

Even with the recession, real estate is a billion dollar market in all the major developed and developing countries. What do you think is the first thing people see when scouting around to buy property? The answer would be the pictures of the property in question. Human beings respond better to visual stimulation. Therefore, quality […]

4 mins read

Real Estate Characteristics

Real estate has several unique characteristics that affect its value. There are economic characteristics and physical characteristics. Real estate is a product to be purchased but it is different from anything else due to the characteristics that will be discussed here. The economic characteristics that influence value are scarcity, improvements, permanence and area preference. Scarcity […]