Modern American Animation
This article describes the history of animation in the United States of America since the late 80’s until the early twenty-first century. This period is often called the renaissance of American animation, during which many large American entertainment companies reform and reinvigorate its animation department after the decline suffered in the 60, 70 and 80. […]
Chicken Noodle Soup Dance
Ever so often a cultural force grabs America by the neck and does not let go. The chicken noodle soup dance and song could be the next silent assassin in the night, waiting to take the spot. As its popularity grows, chicken noodle soup could become the next big thing on America’s pop culture landscape. […]
The Pros and Cons of Teaching Dancing
Teaching dancing is a rewarding and enjoyable career for those who are passionate about dancing, as well as teaching. To be a good teacher it is also essential that you enjoy passing on your knowledge to others, and get on well with all walks of life from small children to adults. Some dancers are great […]
Business Ethics for the Mindful Dance Professional
Once upon a time, a dance teacher opened her own studio down the road from her former employer’s school, taking advantage of her former teaching position to start her own studio. Sound familiar? This is an all too common story in the dance studio business and unfortunately, this is no fairy-tale. We have all heard […]
Climax in Music
What is a climax in music? A climax is essentially the most intense and emotional part of a phrase. It is not necessarily the highest or the loudest tone, but it is the most emphatic one in the cycle of a performance phrase or a musical section. There is always a beginning, a climax and […]
Top 20 Animation Movies – What Makes Them Tick?
Being in the animation industry, it is in my interest to keep abreast of which animated feature films are taking the most box office profits. Today I run by this list of the top 20 highest grossing animation movies of all time and I would like to share my views on why I think these […]
Humor in Animated Explainer Videos: Purpose and Types
Why Humor is Essential in Animated Explainer Videos Unlike a ‘real’ video format, through which ‘real’ people could portray light as well as intense human emotions with equal magnificence, the animated video format could, at best, be used to imitate real human emotions, essentially in a fun & cheerful way. This is primarily so, because […]
Performing Magic Illusions
Magic illusions can be cool, if done right. If you’re new to magic, you may in fact think that doing an illusion right simply means mastering the sleight of hand (if required) in each trick, you are mistaken. In this article you will learn what it really takes to impress your friends with the art […]
6 Types Of Music You Should Know About
There are thousands of different types of music that have different features. The different types of include: Blues They originated from the African-American work songs. The songs are characterized by simple and plain designs. The first blues song was published in 1912 and was written by Hart Wand. Prior to 1940s, blues music was played […]
Pros and Cons of The 4 Types of 2D Animation
As you might know, there are different types of animation, and today I’m going to focus on the types of animation you can do in 2D. Frame-By-Frame, Rotoscoping, Cut Out Animation, And Rigged Characters with Inverse Kinematics. 1. Frame-by-Frame This is also known as Classical Animation, Traditional Animation or Flip Animation. What you do here […]
The Purpose of Modern Dance
The Problem Modern dance is one of the hardest genres to define by technique. Modern isn’t necessarily fast or slow or done to specific music, or any music. It doesn’t necessarily highlight specific physical skill or tell a story. It isn’t necessarily anything. And it can include everything. This is fine and great from the […]
Kalamandalam Kerala – Center for Performing Arts
Thrissur, the cultural center of Kerala cradles this named center. The center is at the banks of Bharathapuzha (Nila) Cheruthuruthy. This primary center for performing arts in Kerala follows Keralite traditions of classical dance forms, where ancient gurukula system is disciplined. It offers training for Kathakali, Koddiyattom, Mohiniyattom and Thullal. Regular, Long Term, Short Term […]
The Basic Parts of a Sheet Music Stand
Music stands come in several varieties and styles, and can be made from many different materials. But with few exceptions, they all share the same basic parts. From lower to upper these consist of the “base”, the “shaft”, and the “tray”. The Base The base of a sheet music stand will most often have three […]
What To Text A Girl – How To Use Callback Humor To Create Instant Attraction
A lot of guys struggle with not know what to text a girl in order to get her to feel that same excitement and attraction that she felt when she first met you. But what if I told you that there is a technique for texting her that could pull her back into the state […]
The Unique Forms and Functions of Indigenous Ghanaian Performing and Verbal Arts
Performing arts are the arts that are played or performed which exists only in a stream of time. This form of arts is evident in every activity that the indigenous Ghanaian performs, from the washing of the face right from bed, through undertakings of his/her daily activities, to the time he/she retires to bed. Examples […]